Sunday, April 24, 2011

One of Dr. John Watson's shorter sentences

"So, Holmes," I ejaculated taking brief cognizance of my friend and boon companion, Sherlock Holmes, as he began yet another pipeful of that odious shag which, having been left for weeks in the toe of the Persian slipper that he keeps tacked to the mantle despite Mrs. Hudson's clear yet unspoken displeasure at slovenly behavior that I believe must be the result of mistreatment from her husband and the injuries that required treatment in London where the doctors were later to become the villains in one of Holmes's cases that I am eager to commit to print as one the great consulting detective's most significant investigations, eclipsed, perhaps, only by some of the darker criminal endeavors of Professor James Moriarty because it involved shooting a huge cannon secreted in a large leased barn near the French port of Calais to lob a bomb to destroy the Bank of England aimed with uncanny ballistic accuracy using the mathematical secrets the villainous professor gleaned during his inquiry into the movements of certain asteroids, which were deemed one of the greatest insights in the calculus since the breakthroughs of the esteemed giant of science, Sir Isaac Newton, in his laboratories at Oxford, which was where the current adventure would play out for us as a romp in the hinterlands surrounding the tiny Thames embankment of that academic village, "should I summon a phaeton  for our short trip to Bristol Station?"     .

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